My Time To Teach! training is now available virtually!
The above Nebraska gallery of educators completed the full One-day Time To Teach! training virtually. Their feedback and evaluations reported, “The session was very inspirational and engaging.” That they “could use this content the next day!” “The 6 hours of online learning went by very quickly!”
What could be accomplished if student discipline challenges decreased 70% or more?
If you want to increase student achievement, you must first put a system in place for discipline that empowers your teachers improve behaviors of students in the classroom. You can provide your staff with world-class training on classroom management to help you achieve these goals.
Is teacher job satisfaction and less stress important to the success of your school system?
This training will help your staff gain back that lost teaching time with research based, proven strategies that minimize or eliminates 70 – 90% of low-level, chronic behaviors.
Is teacher turnover a concern?
Classroom management was rated as the most important variable to building and sustaining a high achieving classroom. Classroom management “or lack of” is also the number one reason why educators are leaving the profession. Our application based strategies and techniques provide your teachers with the support and tools they need for success.
Supports Boys Town, LSCI, PBIS, RTI, CPI, PLC’s and other research-based programs.