I Retired from CPI on April 1. Now What?

So far retirement from CPI on April 1 has been going good. My wife and I went to Hawaii in April. I went to Phoenix for a Time To Teach! Refresher in May. I spent four days at Sterling Prison for my first Kairos Prison Ministry Retreat. I was invited back to do a couple contract trainings for CPI in June in Connecticut and California. I did a Time To Teach! breakout and became Certified in Reclaiming Youth at Risk in July in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. I had my first ever hole-in-one. Then I reconnected with some old friends for a canoe trip on the lower Wisconsin River. In early August I did a keynote on Boys Town’s Well-Managed Schools and training on The Angry Smile for CCSD # 22 in New Mexico. Now I am stepping out by launching Linked In (better late than never) and my own website. Pass it on. Be cool. Randy


Randolph Boardman